Congressman Cohen Introduces the Keeping Evictions Off Credit Reports Act

Press Release

Date: Feb. 25, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today introduced the Keeping Evictions off Credit Reports Act. This bill would prevent evictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic from appearing on credit reports, which would negatively affect a person's future access to credit or housing.

Congressman Cohen made the following statement:

"American families have felt the negative economic impact of the pandemic for two years and should not be denied housing because of it. Many landlords across the country perform credit checks on prospective tenants to help determine if they are eligible to rent or lease. If there is an eviction on that report, it often prevents prospective tenants from being approved for housing no matter the circumstance. My bill addresses this reality and prevents some of the negative consequences of a prior eviction."

The Department of Housing and Urban Development reported almost 600,000 Americans and families experienced at least one night of homelessness in 2020. With more than 40 million Americans having faced the threat of evictions throughout the course of the pandemic, the Keeping Evictions Off Credit Reports Act will help prevent homelessness and keep people out of the cycle of poverty.
