Senator Hirono Statement on Red Hill


Date: Feb. 21, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Today, Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) released the following statement on Red Hill. A link to download a broadcast quality video of the Senator delivering the statement as prepared for delivery is available here.

"The people of Hawaii deserve a resolution to the Red Hill crisis as quickly as possible, including a decision regarding the potential closing of Red Hill. The fastest way to do this is through the State of Hawaii's power and authority in its ongoing hearing to determine whether to provide or deny the Navy a permit to operate Red Hill.

"I will fully support the Hawaii Department of Health's final permit decision, which will likely deny a permit to continue operations at Red Hill. Yesterday, I asked President Biden to also support the State's permit decision.

"As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I will work to include language in the upcoming must-pass NDAA to require DoD to comply with the State of Hawaii's decision and to preclude any funding for continued operation at Red Hill without a state permit. I will also work to include language to support the Department's long term plan for fuel requirements in the Indo Pacific region.

"At the end of the day the health and safety of the people of Hawaii is my top priority and a fundamental component of that is access to clean drinking water. I am completely focused on that goal."
