House Passes Support for Ukraine and Additional Sanctions on Russia


Date: March 10, 2022
Keyword Search: Russia Ukraine

Tonight, the House of Representatives passed military assistance to Ukraine, and additional sanctions on Russia by banning the sale of oil imports from that country. The House passed funding for the Department of Defense, including assistance to Ukraine, in a 361-69 vote, and it passed the Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act in a 414-17 vote.

"The situation in Ukraine remains dire with the latest reports indicating Russia has bombed a maternity hospital and other civilian areas. I hope that additional support for Ukraine and penalties for Russia will help Ukraine to victory over Vladimir Putin and his corrupt regime," said Congressman John Moolenaar.

"At the same time, I fought tonight to pass legislation that would have expedited approval of American oil and gas development. As the crisis in Ukraine continues, it is clear we must act quickly to develop America's energy resources, so our country is prepared for future crises and Michigan families will have reliable and affordable energy. I am disappointed there was not support for American energy legislation tonight but I will continue to fight for more energy development in the weeks and months ahead," added Moolenaar.

Prior to the vote on the Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act, House Republicans offered a final amendment to the bill that would have approved the Keystone XL Pipeline and prohibited President Biden from blocking new energy leases on certain federal lands. Moolenaar voted for this amendment, but it was defeated in largely party line vote, 223-208.
