Affordable Insulin Now Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 31, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine


Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Person Speaker, and I say ``Person Speaker'' because I am not a biologist. And out of respect to our Supreme Court nominee, I don't feel qualified to say Madam Speaker.

But I do rise in opposition to this bill. The Affordable Insulin Now Act is just more of government controlling your healthcare.

Today, Democrats are using insulin as the gateway to their dream of fully socialized medicine where Joe Biden and his accomplices in Congress have more control over your healthcare than you or your doctor. After all, they got to decide whether or not you got a vaccine, and they fired you if you didn't obey.

If Democrats succeed in setting the price of insulin at $35, the negative effects will ripple across the entire healthcare market.

I invite my Democrat colleagues to read my sophomore economics textbook to confirm what happens when you implement price controls.

It is estimated the average annual cost for the private sector of compliance with this mandate is $2 billion. Not that Democrats care about billions of dollars, the way they throw around trillions of dollars. Don't tell them what comes after a trillion.

But we all remember the lies of ObamaCare. Please, say it with me. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Come on. This is participatory. If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. As a matter of fact, costs are going to go down. None of that was true.

And, instead, American families found themselves with plans they didn't like, but at least they cost more, so it was a lose-lose.

Premiums will rise again if this bill becomes law because setting prices, again, has consequences, something our economically illiterate Democrat friends apparently don't understand, or maybe they do.

American innovation has brought amazing, lifesaving treatments to the healthcare market, but that research and development comes at a cost, like any other good or product or service in this country.

Don't we all want the best drugs, the best medicine, and the best healthcare? Instead of going with the Democrat default government- knows-best, one-size-fits-all mentality, we need to embrace free market principles.

