Troubling Record of Ketanji Brown Jackson

Floor Speech

Date: March 31, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine


Mr. CLYDE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight the troubling record of President Biden's U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, commonly known as KBJ.

Throughout her legal career, Ketanji Brown Jackson has earned a disturbing record on crime. In advocating for and administering lighter sentences for sex offenders, particularly those preying on and sexually abusing innocent children, KBJ has set an unforgivable pattern that disqualifies her from our country's highest Court.

A prime example of this pattern can be found in the case of U.S. v. Hawkins, where the sentencing guidelines called for up to 10 years in prison for a man, an adult convicted of possessing multiple images of child sex torture. Ketanji Brown Jackson sentenced this predator to just 3 months in jail. Unconscionable.

Mr. Hawkins recently told The Washington Post, ``I wasn't very happy that she gave me 3 months, although after reflection when I was in jail, I was hearing from other people who said it was their first time arrested and they got 5 years, 6 years.'' And he got 3 months.

As crime rates soar in our cities across the country, adding soft-on- crime Justices, especially a Justice who basically ignores the crime of possessing and promoting images of severe child sexual assault, adding a Justice like that to the bench sends an alarming message to communities fearing for their safety.

Additionally, during her confirmation hearing last week, KBJ refused to define what a woman is, excusing her absurdity by claiming she isn't a biologist.

From women's sports to woke corporations like Disney, liberals are pushing an evil agenda that is erasing women and undermining women's accomplishments. As conservatives like myself fight this woke extremism, there will surely be cases considered in the future at the Supreme Court that require Justices to understand and accept the differences between men and women.

If KBJ can't define a woman, how is she to adjudicate Title IX cases? This is a legitimate question that no Democrat wants to answer. This, too, is disqualifying.

While I do not serve in the body that decides this monumental confirmation, I do have a responsibility to tell the American people the truth. And the truth is, a vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson is a vote for lenient sentences for child sexual torture, a vote for the left's woke war on canceling the achievements of real women, and a vote for the liberals' dangerous agenda.

Americans, including Georgians, don't want a Justice on the bench who supports any of this radical garbage. Georgians are watching Senators Warnock and Ossoff. Will they vote for a Supreme Court nominee that is soft on crime, on one of the most heinous crimes of all, child sex torture, or will they stand up for all of Georgia's family values, protect our children, and be tough on crime by voting ``no'' on this Supreme Court nominee?

For the sake of our great Nation, the Senate must save the Supreme Court from a lifetime of votes siding with demented pedophiles by voting ``no'' on Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation. No Vaccine Mandates


Mr. CLYDE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge my colleagues to join me in ensuring the Federal Government never again abuses its power by ordering employees to receive a vaccine or lose their job.

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven powerful elites will stop at nothing to quench their thirst for power, including President Biden, who issued through OSHA a rule that forced businesses with 100 or more employees to require the COVID-19 vaccine.

Forcing workers out of a job if they refuse to take a jab is a wholly unconstitutional power grab that violates Americans' freedoms, exacerbates labor shortages, and intensifies the supply chain crisis.

Congress occasionally gives our government agencies certain broad authorities, and when those powers are abused, it is our responsibility to claw them back and safeguard the rights of American citizens.

While the U.S. Supreme Court blocked President Biden's OSHA rule, Congress has the authority and the responsibility to prevent any future attempts by the executive branch to subject the American people to unlawful mandates. This is why I proudly introduced H.R. 7281, the Reversing Every Vaccine Emergency Requirement and Stopping Employee OSHA Mandates Act.

My bill, whose short title, is REVERSE OSHA Mandates Act, amends the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to repeal the Secretary's authority to issue emergency temporary standards and is a commonsense and crucial step toward preventing future government overreach by OSHA and defeating their hand in medical tyranny.

It is incumbent upon Congress to prohibit this dangerous abuse of power from further tarnishing our Nation's history and subverting American workers' rights, which is why I urge all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this legislation that reins in OSHA and protects the freedoms of American workers.

