Bilirakis and Peters Score a Legislative Win to Prevent Student Suicide

Press Release

Date: Feb. 28, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

The bipartisan Suicide and Threat Assessment Nationally Dedicated to Universal Prevention (STANDUP) Act authored by Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) and Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) has cleared the House and Senate and is now headed to President Biden's desk to become law. This vital bill encourages schools to implement evidence-based suicide prevention training for students in grades 6 through 12.

"There is no higher priority than keeping our children safe. By providing high quality screening and prevention training to school staff and peers, we can identify threats before they materialize, and ensure that those who are at risk get the mental health treatment they need, said Bilirakis. I've seen first-hand how effective these programs can be when I visited a high school in Pinellas which has already implemented these best practices. Sadly, some communities in my district are among those with the highest suicide rates in our state, and the pandemic has only exacerbated the problem. By sending the STANDUP Act to the President for signature, we can better implement this training and begin to reverse these troubling trends of youth suicide and violence."

"Among the alarming mental health challenges facing the nation's youth, recent trends in suicidal ideation, self-harm, and violence are cause for particular concern. The good news is that our STANDUP Act, once signed into law, will help equip students and educators with skills necessary to identify, intervene, and get help for those at risk of harming themselves or others," said Rep. Peters. "I want to thank my congressional partners -- Representative Bilirakis and Senators Hassan and Ernst -- and Sandy Hook Promise, who helped push this life-saving effort across the finish line. We all want our kids to have a safe, inclusive learning community and know this legislation will help achieve that goal."

While studies are ongoing, new reports indicate that COVID-19 has exacerbated children's and teens' anxiety, depression and isolation -- stressors commonly associated with suicide. Mental Health America recently identified that those 11 through 17 years old are now at higher risk of anxiety and depression. Their summer youth screening revealed a 14 percent increase in youth anxiety and a 10 percent increase in youth depression since their previous report. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released 2020 data showing a 31 percent increase in mental health-related hospital visits in children aged 12-17 years compared to previous years.

The STANDUP Act of 2021 requires states, schools and Tribes to implement proven policies to prevent suicides in order to receive Project AWARE grants, which promote youth mental health awareness among schools and communities. These policies are vital in stopping school violence by encouraging early prevention, teaching warning signs and giving students, teachers, and administrators the tools they need to react properly to threats before tragedy occurs.

Over 50 national organizations support the STANDUP Act, including Sandy Hook Promise, a national nonprofit founded by family members who lost loved ones in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012. "The more schools that offer suicide prevention training, the more we can empower youth to help themselves and their peers," said Mark Barden, co-founder and CEO of the Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund and father of Daniel, who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. "I am grateful to U.S. Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) along with U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Scott Peters (D-CA) for championing this important, life-saving legislation. Because of their staunch support, countless youth who are suffering in the shadows may finally get the help they need."

Congressman Bilirakis is proud to have been named a 2022 Promise Champion Award winner from Sandy Hook Promise for his legislative leadership on this important issue.
