Espaillat Hails End of Title 42


Date: April 1, 2022
Location: New York, NY
Issues: Immigration

Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement in response to President Biden's announcement that his administration will be ending Title 42:

"For nearly two years, the United States government has expelled individuals fleeing violence and turmoil seeking refuge and protection with no ability for these individuals to apply for asylum -- actions that completely violate U.S. law and treaty commitments," said Rep. Espaillat. "After relentlessly urging the end of Title 42, I commend President Biden and his administration for its decision to end this heartless, immoral, and illegal Trump-era policy.

"The administration's decision to end the cruel and xenophobic Title 42 policy--which had no basis in public health and was weaponized under Donald Trump--will decrease the harm felt by our immigrant neighbors fleeing violence and persecution who we have a moral obligation to welcome with open arms. President Biden's decision today will show the world that the United States can -- and will -- lead with compassion and support those fleeing from humanitarian crises," Espaillat concluded.
