Tweet - "In October, the House voted on a strong bipartisan basis to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for defying a legitimate Congressional subpoena. This vote upheld the genius of our Constitution: the separation of powers, which safeguards the Congress' authority to conduct oversight."

Social Media

Date: May 10, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal

"In October, the House voted on a strong bipartisan basis to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for defying a legitimate Congressional subpoena. This vote upheld the genius of our Constitution: the separation of powers, which safeguards the Congress' authority to conduct oversight.

The Department of Justice is to be commended for moving to hold Bannon accountable for his blatant defiance of a lawful subpoena. Now, Bannon is seeking to dismiss the case, claiming that the
@January6thCmte does not have standing to compel his testimony.

As the House's amicus brief makes crystal clear, the subpoena of Steve Bannon issued by the Select Committee is legally valid, urgently needed and must be enforced. Bannon is a key witness to the January 6thInsurrection, who holds information central to the House investigation.

Congress and the Country salute the outstanding Members of the Select Committee as they exercise oversight authority in continuing to tirelessly pursue the truth of that dark day."

