Reps. Titus, Katko Introduce Bill to Provide Job Protections to FEMA Reservists

Press Release

Date: March 8, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today Representatives Dina Titus (NV-01) and John Katko (NY-24) introduced the FEMA Intermittent Personnel Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 2022, legislation to protect Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reservists from losing their full-time employment when they are called to assist communities during disaster responses. The bill is the House companion to the Senate legislation introduced by Senators Gary Peters (D-MI) and Rob Portman (R-OH).

"FEMA Reservists step up time and again when communities need help in the wake of severe storms, wildfires, climate events, and even throughout the COVID-19 pandemic," said Rep. Dina Titus. "Unlike military reserves, FEMA's workforce are not afforded employment protections during deployment. When these men and women are answering the call of duty, they shouldn't be worried about losing their means of income. This legislation would protect disaster reservists while they're protecting our country and enhance FEMA's ability to recruit and retain workers."

"I am proud to join Rep. Titus in introducing the FEMA Intermittent Personnel Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 2022," said Rep. Katko. "When disaster strikes, FEMA Reservists are often required to deploy at a moment's notice. But under current law, FEMA Reservists do not receive important protections that prevent them from losing their full-time employment during a deployment. This legislation would ensure reservists do not have to choose between their careers and assisting in disaster"
