America Runs on Diesel


Date: June 1, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas
Keyword Search: Inflation

President Biden finally admitted to what hard-working Americans have known for months: record high gas prices are a direct result of his Green New Deal agenda.

What the president referred to as an "incredible transition" away from fossil fuels is his direct attack on our domestic energy production that has resulted in record high gas prices and hundreds of dollars' worth of additional energy costs per month for families across the U.S.

More recently, the spotlight has been on diesel costs and it's for good reason. Over the past year, diesel costs have risen 75 percent. This is not just an issue for consumers who fill their vehicle tanks, but for producers, shippers, and truckers too.

The entire U.S. economy runs on diesel. Whether powering our container ships from overseas, moving the trucks that collect goods at ports and distribute them to warehouses and stores, enabling farmers who plow their land and grow our food, or helping construction workers build public infrastructure and our family homes, diesel has more of an impact on the economy than one may think. And the record cost of diesel today will only raise the price of goods and worsen inflation across the U.S.

While our producers, shippers, and truckers are also navigating the burdens of supply chain interruptions, increased production costs, greater regulation, and fresh labor shortages, it's a nightmare that they have to navigate this too. Oklahoma is home to so many who are dealing with the effects of this crisis firsthand, as it's threatening the livelihood and stable jobs that some have worked for years to achieve.

And despite the fact that President Biden's decision to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has not helped to lower gas prices whatsoever, his administration is considering tapping into the emergency diesel reserve too. There would be no need to use our emergency supply if we simply turned to our domestic producers.

Rather than point fingers at Putin, the pandemic, or oil executives, Democrats should reconsider the legislation that caused this pain in the first place. It's past time for Congress to get out of the way and allow our domestic production to thrive.
