Congressman Bishop Supports Bill to Honor Our Commitment to Federal Firefighters and First Responders


Date: May 11, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02) supported the approval of H.R. 2499, the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act. This bipartisan bill would establish a presumption that specific diseases prevalent among federal firefighters and other federal first responders are considered work-related, rather than require these frontline defenders to affirmatively demonstrate that the hazardous nature of their jobs caused their illness. In doing so, they would be eligible for wage-loss compensation, medical treatment, return-to-work assistance, and vocational rehabilitation. The bill was passed by a bipartisan vote of 288-131.

"Our federal firefighters are on the frontlines protecting military bases and other federal facilities. They are also the vanguard responding to the increasing number of wildfires on federal lands. While protecting American people and property, they are exposed to a range of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals," said Congressman Bishop. "They put their lives on the line for us and we should not make them jump hurdles to get the care they deserve and have earned, especially when science has established the work-related nature of many illnesses they face over their lifetime."

Currently, 48 states already provide such benefits for state and local firefighters. This bill would extend similar protections to the approximately 15,000 federal firefighter workforce. This includes firefighting units, paramedics, rescue workers, and hazardous material workers that protect federal lands and facilities
