Hinson Fights for Reliable Energy for Iowans in House Appropriations Committee


Date: June 30, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

During today's House Appropriations Committee markup, Congresswoman Hinson offered a proposal to push the Biden Administration to ensure Americans have reliable energy access and won't face blackouts this summer.

Watch Full Remarks Here

"This amendment would help to keep the lights on for Americans across the country. Right now, the EPA is pushing environmental standards and alternative energy while simultaneously discouraging the use of traditional fuel sources, I believe in really understanding the real-world impact that this has on people across the country, including my constituents in Iowa.

"It is unacceptable that Midwesterners are threatened by rolling blackouts this summer, during times of record high heat, because the EPA is jumping the gun on getting rid of baseload energy production before our alternative energy supply can support the nation's demand.

"Trust me when I say I am very supportive of alternative energy strategies -- I am proud to represent Iowa, one of the leading states in alternative energy production like wind and solar, not to mention biofuels. More than half of the energy produced in Iowa is from renewable sources and that is something for Iowans to be very proud of.

"But Iowa is only able to generate sufficient energy because we are an outlier: we view alternative energy as a supplement, not replacement, to our traditional energy generation methods. Unfortunately, this Administration is determined to make traditional energy the enemy. They have been discouraging fossil fuel energy production without considering how much we depend on these sources. We can't just pull the rug out from underneath our constituents.

"Last year, US Climate Envoy John Kerry announced the Biden Administration's goal of rolling back traditional power sources was moving forward.

"And what did we see happen? Power plants closed. Energy production and capacity dropped. And the Midwestern grid is in dire straits.

"The Midwest saw an unprecedented number of closures, leaving the regional electric grid strained. I have heard from countless constituents that they are receiving warnings from their utilities providers that, when temperatures get too hot this summer, they can expect major blackouts.

"This will threaten public safety.

"My amendment will simply ensure the EPA is actually taking into consideration our energy supply needs and preventing power outages. It is important for every single one of our constituents -- we need assurance that the EPA understands the impact their policies will have. You can support clean energy innovation and research while still understanding that the reality is we just aren't there yet. And Americans can't be waiting in the dark.

"This isn't about the environment, this is about making sure that homes, hospitals, schools, grocery stores, and other essential facilities don't lose power.

"Americans should not be worrying about how to keep their families safe during blackouts this summer. I encourage my colleagues to please support this amendment to remind the EPA that our baseload energy supply must remain stable and supported as they set their sights on ambitions for a greener future."
