Pelosi Statement on 58th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


Date: July 2, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement marking the 58th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

"Nearly six decades ago, the courage and sacrifice of countless civil rights heroes gave rise to the landmark Civil Rights Act. This transformative legislation has stood as a pillar of our Democracy, helping move our nation closer to our founding promise of liberty and justice for all. But even as our country commemorates this proud milestone in the American story, our basic rights and dignities remain under urgent threat from the forces of hate.

"Amid celebrations of our most cherished freedoms this Independence Day, we must renew our resolve to forge an ever more perfect union. House Democrats are fighting alongside tireless activists to stamp out bigotry and defend the freedom of every American, everywhere. The Democratic House has passed the For The People Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to crack down on bigoted voter suppression, and we proudly advanced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to save lives from racist police violence. With our twice-passed Equality Act, we voted to further bolster the legacy of the Civil Rights Act by extending its full protections to LGBTQ Americans.

"Right-wing extremists -- backed by their radical Republican supermajority on the Supreme Court -- are now waging an all-out assault on even more of our freedoms, from reproductive health rights to marriage equality. House Democrats remain committed to repelling this outrageous attack on our health, our freedom and our security. Together, let us carry on the fight for justice -- by defeating those who seek to unwind hard-won progress and by building a brighter, fairer, freer future for all of our children."
