Sen. Marshall Calls Biden's Gas Tax Announcement a Farce

Press Release

Date: June 22, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas Taxes

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after President Biden called on Congress to temporarily suspend the Federal Gas Tax.

"Even Barack Obama called this a gimmick. Kansans are suffering, Americans are suffering, and this farce will do nothing meaningful to ease their financial pain. It is well past time President Biden stops with the political theater and abandon his energy policies that have failed our nation," said Senator Marshall. "Instead of an ineffective gas tax holiday, Democrats in the Senate should stop obstructing and pass my Gas Prices Relief Act, which will provide a regulation holiday for oil, gas, and biofuel production and unleash American energy so we can get back to energy independence like we had under President Trump."


Fox News: Obama called gas tax holiday a "gimmick' in 2008 as Biden now says he's considering it

Suspending the federal gas tax of 18.4 cents will have no significant impact on prices at the pump. Even if the savings are completely passed along to consumers, the increased demand from temporarily lower prices would simply run them right back up.

In March Senator Marshall introduced the Gas Prices Relief Act, legislation to block the Biden Administration from continuing to stifle the American energy industry. Specifically, the bill prohibits the introduction of any new regulations that decrease U.S. energy production or increase gasoline prices. By getting government out of the way, domestic oil and gas production will increase and prices will drop. Despite the national average cost of a gallon of gasoline exceeding $5, Senate Democrats objected last week to Senator Marshall's Gas Prices Relief Act and in turn, refused to act to alleviate record prices at the pump for Americans. During his speech, Senator Marshall said, in part,

"Rising energy prices add inflationary pressure to everything. It's like a game of dominoes. When the diesel fuel powering our 18-wheelers are costing truckers 80% more than it did last year, they are going to have to raise their rates to compensate. When businesses are paying 30% more for their gas utilities, they are going to have to raise their prices to make up the difference. And Kansans -- already paying more just to get to the store -- are continually finding that what money they have left is getting them less and less every week…I am here today to ask for unanimous consent to pass the Gas Prices Relief Act which would bar any Federal agency from finalizing any rule or regulation that would make it harder to produce American fuels. Our legislation would set us on course to bring down prices at the pump by getting out of the way of American production and allowing them to power the world without more needlessly restrictive rules and regulations. Good energy policy will fix the current crisis, not more reckless spending or regulations…"

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall's full remarks.
