Carbajal Votes to Protect Right to Abortion, Right to Travel for Reproductive Health Care

Press Release

Date: July 15, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction
Keyword Search: Filibuster

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal voted to approve two bills in the U.S. House to affirm the Constitutional right to keep reproductive health care choices between a patient and a doctor: one to codify a nationwide right to abortion, and another to protect a patient's right to travel nationally for reproductive health care without interference or fear of prosecution.

"In the weeks since members of the radical Supreme Court chose to break its own vow to uphold Roe as settled law, we have seen that far-right Republicans are not interested in stopping here," said Congressman Carbajal. "There are now nationwide abortion bans being championed in Congress, at least 9 states have banned abortion outright and more plan to imminently, and millions of women now live in communities hundreds of miles from the nearest reproductive health provider. I have fought to codify the rights to privacy and abortion access in Congress, and I continue to with these votes today."

"I hope this renewed push in the House will be met with equal determination in the Senate -- including a realization that arcane rules should not stand in the way of human rights and Constitutional freedoms."

The House again passed the Women's Health Protection Act, of which Rep. Carbajal is a co-sponsor, which guarantees a nationwide right to abortion access and creates a federal safeguard against abortion bans and restrictions.

The House also passed, with the help of Rep. Carbajal, the Ensuring Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom Act, which enshrines the constitutional right to travel and prohibits interference with the provision, access, or assistance of abortion across state lines.

The House had previously passed the Women's Health Protection Act last fall, but it failed to garner the votes in the U.S. Senate to break a Republican filibuster.
