Congressman Gonzalez Responds to President Biden's Call for 90-Day Gas Tax Holiday


Date: June 22, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

Today, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15), Chairman of the Congressional Oil and Gas Caucus, issued the following statement in reaction to President Biden calling on Congress to implement a 90-day gas tax holiday:

"While we might see a slight decrease in gas prices, a gas tax holiday would not solve the challenges Americans are experiencing at the pump all the while costing the Highway Trust Fund necessary infrastructure funding. The President should lend his support to legislation or administrative actions that unleash domestic energy production and allow producers to have access to the resources they need to address these issues.

This is not a problem that is unique to the United States. Gasoline prices are up globally as producers struggle to keep up with demand and overcome supply chain issues compounded by Russia's invasion of Ukraine--which has caused instability throughout the overall market. I continue to call on the President and his Administration to work with the domestic energy industry to find meaningful, common-sense measures to give Americans relief at the pump."
