Rep. Van Duyne's Amendments Pass in the National Defense Authorization Act

Press Release

Date: July 15, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid

Today, Rep. Van Duyne released a statement following the passage of her four amendments in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023:

"Today, I voted in favor of this year's National Defense Authorization Act, providing our military with $850 billion in funding for Fiscal Year 2023. Passing a defense funding bill is crucial, as it combats the Biden Administration's reckless cuts to our national security, ensures pay raises for our troops, modernizes our military, and counters China and Russia's aggression. This year's NDAA also takes long awaited and necessary action to declare the record number of illegal crossings and trafficking at our southern border a crisis and risk to national security. It takes further action to fully fund the National Guard's operation and maintenance account to support a border deployment and report efforts to counter the flow of narcotics, human trafficking, and transnational criminal organizations. It also includes a 4.6% increase in pay for service members and additional 2.4% pay bonus for enlisted personnel. As long as America's military prowess remains unparalleled, we will continue to serve as the greatest nation this world has ever seen. While it is the servicemen and women who lead the way in this effort, this bill is certainly an important step and I am glad to have played a part in this crucial legislation."

Rep. Van Duyne had 4 amendments pass through this year's NDAA that will further protect our nation's security and veterans:

* #96 -- Requires greater transparency on "stolen valor" used to gain monetary and government benefits received through misrepresentation of military decorations or medals. This will crack down on those who lie about their service to get benefits and medals they did not rightfully earn.
* #185 -- Helps service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses remain competitive in government contracting.
* #936 -- Requires a DOD report on the feasibility of partnerships with companies providing third-party job search software in assisting service members and veterans find employment following their active duty service.
* #1170 -- Requires a report on the amount of small business assistance that has been received by foreign-based small businesses from COVID related relief packages.
