Build Back Better Act

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 12, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation


Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Inflation Reduction Act to help fight inflation and lower costs for the Michigan families and seniors that I represent.

With this bill, we will be able to lower healthcare costs for Michigan families and seniors. This bill will allow Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs, including capping the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month.

With this bill, we will create good-paying jobs to combat the climate crisis. This bill will invest in domestic clean energy production and manufacturing facilities to lower costs. It will support making solar panels at companies like Hemlock Semiconductor and electric vehicles in Michigan, not in China.

With this bill, which is fully paid for, we will ensure the biggest corporations and the wealthiest individuals pay their fair share of taxes. Right now, 55 of the Nation's biggest corporations pay zero in Federal taxes while making billions in profits. A Flint nurse, a Saginaw farmer, or a Bay City teacher should not pay more in taxes than the largest, wealthiest, most profitable corporations.

Mr. Speaker, I support this legislation.

