Bergman Supports Defense Bill, Major Wins for Michigan's First District


Date: July 15, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation

Today, Rep. Jack Bergman issued the following statement after voting in support of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"Providing for our national defense is a constitutional duty of Congress. I'm proud of the work the House Armed Services Committee did to put forth a truly bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. This legislation provides a pay raise for our servicemembers, reverses President Biden's dangerous proposed defense cuts, and will ensure we are prepared for tomorrow's fight."
The FY23 NDAA:
Reverses Biden's proposed cuts that would harm our security, missile defense, military construction and procurement;

Provides a 4.6% pay raise for our servicemembers;

Includes $23M for Operation Northern Strike;

Includes provisions to help counter impacts of inflation on low-income military families;

Invests in research, development, and procurement of capabilities to deter adversaries;

Includes provisions to counter adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran;

Prohibits the sale of products manufactured, assembled in or imported from China in US military base exchanges or commissaries;

Prohibits a dishonorable discharge for servicemembers who refuse a COVID-19 vaccination;

Requires regular DOD Inspector General reviews of assistance provided to Ukraine;

Expresses the sense of Congress that the crisis at our Southern border is a national security threat; and

Creates incentives for servicemembers to report waste and fraud.
