Walberg: Democrats' Tax and Spending Spree Will Hurt Michigan Families


Date: Aug. 12, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation

Congressman Tim Walberg (MI-07) released the following statement after voting against the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376--better known as the Inflation Expansion Act--that will raise taxes and make life even more unaffordable for Michigan families.

"With inflation remaining at a 40-year high, Democrats are recycling many of the same harmful tax-and-spend policies that created an economic crisis in the first place. It defies common sense to raise taxes during a recession and spend billions we don't have on partisan schemes that won't work. A cornerstone of this massive bill is funneling $80 billion to the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents to breathe down the necks of hardworking taxpayers who are struggling to make ends meet. It also continues the Biden administration's obstruction of American energy production to justify creating a special interests slush fund for extreme Green New Deal initiatives. Our focus should be on combating inflation, regaining energy independence, and restoring economic prosperity--not making it harder for Michigan families and small businesses to stay afloat."
