Support for Be Pro Be Proud

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 20, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, workforce development programs are spreading across the country because of organizations like Be Pro Be Proud.

In March of 2016, Be Pro Be Proud was launched by the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Arkansas to serve the future leaders of America's workforce more effectively.

Thanks to Be Pro Be Proud, more young people know that they can find a good-paying job and have a successful career without going to college. They have learned that there are alternatives to a baccalaureate degree--alternatives that can produce equal, if not better, outcomes.

In June of this year, I had the privilege of traveling to Arkansas and attending the national Be Pro Be Proud conference alongside Representative French Hill and Senator John Boozman.

The progress that has been achieved to date by this organization is remarkable, and in the realm of workforce development, its gains are second to none.

In February of this year, officials in North Carolina signed a contract that established a Be Pro Be Proud pilot program within the State. This is wonderful news indeed.

As you can probably tell, Mr. Speaker, this is truly a State-led effort that is a model to other States and becoming a national movement, and it is one that is a force to be reckoned with.

States need to know that the power is in their hands to implement strong and effective workforce development programs. They need to know that they, in fact, are in the driver's seat.

I thank everyone who has worked so diligently to make Be Pro Be Proud what it is today. The work they are doing will go on to leave a positive impact on America's future leaders for generations to come. Americans Are Not Celebrating


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, it is no wonder the American people believe that Washington is out of touch. Last week President Biden held an event on the White House lawn to celebrate the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.

He took a victory lap in front of the entire country alongside his allies on live television.

But, Mr. Speaker, do you know who was not celebrating with President Biden?

Hardworking taxpayers and their families who are being pummeled by the President's inflation catastrophe and inflation tax. That same day, new numbers were released showing that inflation continues to surge.

Mr. Speaker, President Biden couldn't read a room if he tried. The rising cost of goods and services will cost the average American household over $700 a month. When added up, that is over $8,000 that they will be forced to fork out in a year.

Grocery prices are up 13.5 percent, and food prices are up 11.4 percent since last year. This is the largest 1-year increase in prices since 1979.

Mr. Speaker, anyone who believes that these numbers are worth celebrating needs a serious reality check. The Biden administration's fiscal irresponsibility put us in this mess. Come November, Republicans will be the ones to fix it.

