Sen. Rick Scott: Floridians Should get Prepared NOW for Potential Impacts from a Major Hurricane


Date: Sept. 23, 2022
Issues: Environment

Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement urging Floridians to stay alert and get prepared this weekend as the state monitors the path of Tropical Depression Nine, which currently the National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasts to possibly become a major hurricane that could impact Florida as early as Tuesday, September 27.

Senator Rick Scott said, "Every Floridian needs to stay alert and take this storm seriously. If a major hurricane hits Florida, it could be absolutely devastating. We know how quickly severe weather can change and even though the current NHC forecast has a potential landfall days from now, it cannot be ignored. Starting today, I will be receiving regular briefings from Ken Graham, the Director of the U.S. National Weather Service, and my team and I will be in contact with local and state officials to make sure Florida is ready. Right now, my message to all Floridians is simple: get prepared. Florida is resilient because Floridians know how to prepare and now is the time for every family to make sure they have a plan, gas in their vehicles, seven days of food and water, medication and emergency supplies. Preparedness saves lives and Floridians must be ready."

Senator Scott encourages all Floridians to visit his website at to get prepared today. See the latest on Tropical Depression Nine from the National Hurricane Center at or @NHC_Atlantic on Twitter, and from the Florida Division of Emergency Management at or @FLSERT on Twitter.
