Fighting Biden's Failed Policies


Date: Oct. 17, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation

It has been an honor representing Midland County in Michigan's Fourth District. With redistricting, I am now running for reelection in the new Second District which includes all or part of 20 counties. In Midland, it includes the City of Coleman as well as Edenville, Geneva, Greendale, Jasper, and Warren townships. I am running for reelection because now more than ever, we need experienced conservative leadership in Washington.

With the Biden Administration and Speaker Pelosi running the country, our economy is in shambles, food and energy prices are at historic highs, your savings lose value every day, there is lawlessness on the southern border, rising crime across the country, and American students left behind by leaders who kept classrooms closed. Without strong American leadership chaos builds around the world. When Republicans had the House, Senate, and White House before the pandemic we had a strong economy, with almost no inflation, and we had affordable energy for Michigan families. We need to return to the conservative policies that made life easier for working families.

In Congress, I will defend our Constitution, protect your Second Amendment rights, fight to rein in inflation, preserve American values, bring confidence back to our elections, secure the border and support our troops.

As a member of Congress, I have fought and will continue to fight for energy independence, lower taxes for the middle class, and vital infrastructure for our rural communities including the expansion of rural broadband. I also will continue to fight to protect the rights of parents and educational opportunities for all students. When I was a school administrator, I saw first-hand how empowering parents and students with choices makes a difference in their lives. That's why I will continue to be a champion of parental involvement so that parents have a say in their child's education.

If you send me back to the House of Representatives, I will continue to lead the fight against the Biden Administration's reckless policies. I will always stand up for Michigan and the hardworking families who make our state home. Together, let's get America back on track!

I ask for your vote on November 8!

For Michigan,

John Moolenaar
