Rep. Barry Moore joins field hearing on providing food security to veterans

Press Release

Date: July 11, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans
Keyword Search: Covid

Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity of the House Veteran's Affairs Committee, joined a field hearing focused on the problem of food insecurity among America's veterans. Although the best solution for easing this problem is to take measures to return our economy to pre-pandemic levels, Moore discussed the importance of ensuring veterans are aware of and have easy access to government assistance available to them. Click here for video of Moore's opening statement.

Moore's opening statement as prepared:

"I want to thank all of you for joining us for this field hearing of the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity of the U.S. House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. My name is Barry Moore and not only is it my pleasure to serve as the Congressman for the 2nd district of Alabama but also to serve as the Ranking Republican Member of this Subcommittee.

"Before we begin, I want to say what a pleasure it is to be here in Oceanside, and thank my colleague, friend, and Chairman of the Subcommittee, Congressman Mike Levin, for hosting us today. It is great to work with a thoughtful legislator like Mr. Levin on our continued goal to provide economic opportunities to veterans. The people of the 49th district are lucky to have him as one of their own.

"We are here today to discuss the important issue of veteran hunger. Food security for veterans, as well as for all Americans, is an essential component of a stable life. Food insecurity can also be detrimental to a person's mental health.

"It is important for us evaluate the way we are providing this security to ensure that it is being administered in the most effective manner to help those who need it the most. We also need to do this in an intelligent manner for American taxpayers as well. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other assistance programs are vital for veterans and others to have food security.

"We know that the best way to ensure that veterans have food security is to have a strong economy with good paying jobs that pay the bills. Before COVID-19 impacted our economy, President Trump and others built the most robust economy in a generation and veteran unemployment was at record lows. While veteran employment is finally back at pre-pandemic levels, our recovery has been sluggish, and we must do all we can to enact pro-growth policies that will help the thousands of veterans who are being hit hard by the rise in prices at the pump and for basic necessities like food.

"We still know very little about how widespread hunger impacts veterans so I am looking forward to hearing more about VA and USDA's efforts to notify veterans about the benefits they are eligible for and, more importantly, how we can help veterans reach the stage where such benefits are no longer necessary. I look forward to hearing from our witnesses about what they believe works, what they believe does not work, and how Congress can empower those involved in these programs to ensure that no one who has served our great country goes hungry.

"Once again, I thank Chairman Levin for holding this hearing and I yield back the balance of my time."
