Rep. Cleaver Votes for Bipartisan Package to Lower Food and Fuel Costs

Press Release

Date: June 16, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation

Today, U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO) voted in favor of H.R. 7606, the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, a package of bipartisan bills to combat inflation and reduce costs on Missouri families. The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would do this by strengthening the food and agriculture supply chain, creating greater competition in the meat and poultry industries, and expanding access to cheaper biofuels known as E-15 or Unleaded 88.

"As Missouri families are struggling to keep up with rising gas and food prices caused by the pandemic and Putin's despicable invasion of Ukraine, combatting global inflation is the top priority for myself and the rest of the Democratic Caucus in the House of Representatives," said Congressman Cleaver. "It is imperative that Congress come together to pass common sense legislation that will alleviate price pressures on American farmers, ranchers, and the entire agriculture industry so that those cost savings can then be passed on to hardworking families at the supermarket--and that's what the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would do. Additionally, by expanding access to significantly cheaper biofuels like Unleaded 88, we can support our corn growers and lower costs at the gas pump. That's a win-win in my book, and I'm hopeful that the U.S. Senate will not allow this bipartisan package of bills to die in the upper chamber while Missourians continue to pay the price."

The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would:

Lower fertilizer costs in the field to lower food prices in the supermarket: Russia and Ukraine are major global producers of key components of fertilizer, and Putin's evil war has dramatically driven up the costs of fertilizer for Missouri farmers, which, in turn, has driven up the prices on supermarket shelves. The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would reduce America's dependence on foreign fertilizer production and includes bipartisan bills to help farmers lower their costs with USDA funds and loan guarantees to pay for solutions, including precision agriculture, to use fertilizers more efficiently.
Lower meat and poultry costs by increasing competition and capacity in the meatpacking industry: Unfair, anti-competitive practices by the four major meatpacking conglomerates who dominate the market are driving up the price of meat and poultry, even as many of the ranchers who raise the beef, pork, and chicken are forced to accept prices that make it nearly impossible to make ends meet. The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would strengthen competition in the meat and poultry industry and alleviate supply chain bottlenecks that have allowed meatpacking giants to set bad prices for producers and consumers alike.
Lower prices at the gas pump by making cheaper, cleaner Unleaded 88 more available: America-made ethanol grown by American farmers is one of our most powerful tools to fight Putin's Price Hike at the pump, and next generation biofuel infrastructure can make it even cleaner and more efficient to produce. Unleaded 88, otherwise known as E-15, is typically a cleaner, cheaper fuel option that costs, on average, approximately 40 cents less per gallon, emits less carbon pollution, and burns cleaner than regular gas. The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act would expand access to Unleaded 88 and help deploy storage and dispensing equipment for higher ethanol blends, biodiesel, and sustainable aviation fuel.

As Democrats in Congress continue working to combat global inflation, earlier this week the House of Representatives also took action to crack down on exorbitant ocean shipping fees that have inflated prices on goods by passing the bipartisan Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which will be signed by President Biden today.
