Stefanik Earns A+ Rating for Protecting Life

Press Release

Date: Jan. 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik today announced the Susan B. Anthony List awarded her an A+ rating for her work to protect the lives of the unborn and work to protect taxpayer dollars from funding abortion during the 117th Congress.

Last week, in the new House majority, Stefanik joined her colleagues in putting an end to House Democrats' radical, abortion-on-demand until the moment of birth agenda and passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She also voted to pass a resolution in support of crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations, including in New York State, that were attacked and vandalized following the illegal leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Supreme Court opinion draft.

"As one of the newest moms in Congress, I know how important it is to stand up for life," Stefanik said. "I am honored to be awarded for my record to protect the lives of the unborn. They are truly the most vulnerable among us, which is why I have been proud to put an end to the radical, taxpayer funded, abortion-on-demand until the moment of birth Far Left Democrat agenda and send the resounding message that this new majority defends life. House Republicans are committed to defending Americans' Constitutional rights, including our most fundamental right to life."

Stefanik is a strong supporter of the historic, bipartisan Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions.
