Lower Energy Costs Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 29, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation


Mr. THANEDAR. Mr. Chair, H.R. 1 is not an all-of-the-above energy bill that will help lower costs for Americans.

I rise today in opposition to this bill because it would worsen the destructive effects of climate change and line the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the most vulnerable constituents in my district.

Mr. Chair, my constituents are sick and tired of politicians in this town using their positions of power to help corporations at the expense of people.

Fossil fuel companies and the lobbyists want to lessen environmental regulations so that they can pump massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and cash in, all at the expense of the people.

In southwest Detroit, corporations continue to emit harmful and unpleasant fumes around the low-income neighborhoods in the area. This bill will help them continue to pollute and worsen environmental injustice.

In my district, climate change has increased the rate and severity of flooding. My constituents must endure property damage, water contamination, and in some cases the loss of loved ones.

Last Congress, this body made historic changes by passing the Inflation Reduction Act, reducing the pollution in our communities that is disproportionately felt by low-income and disadvantaged communities. We must not turn back.

I came to Congress to fight against bills like H.R. 1 because they put my constituents directly at risk. It is absurd to lessen environmental regulations at a time when corporations choose pollution and profits over people. Please don't pass this disastrous bill.

