Ramifications of the Court Decision on Medication Abortion

Floor Speech

Date: April 18, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine


Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, the recent court decision on medication abortion is the clearest example yet of the horrific consequences of the Republicans' anti-abortion crusade. While many said a national ban was not the goal and that this would be a States' issue, abortion care could be restricted even in pro-choice States.

Mr. Speaker, that begs the question: What is next? Birth control? Plan B? Will anti-vaxxers ask the courts to take down lifesaving vaccines? Will extremists litigate any drug that utilized stem cell research?

San Diego is home to some of the most innovative biomedical companies in the world, and so many of these companies have come out to oppose this decision, to say that the ruling threatens their ability to create the cures of tomorrow.

My colleagues on the other side of the aisle are uncharacteristically quiet about this. They let this genie out of the bottle. They need to find the political courage to put it back in.

