Vet-Tec Authorization Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: May 22, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CISCOMANI. Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman Bost for yielding me time to talk about this important bill.

I am grateful that my bill, H.R. 1669, the VET-TEC Authorization Act, is being considered today on the House floor. This bipartisan effort would extend the invaluable program for our veterans, the Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses, or VET-TEC program.

The VET-TEC pilot program allows eligible veterans to gain experience and training in high-demand tech jobs. Since the start of the VET-TEC program in 2019, introduced by Speaker McCarthy, over 12,000 veterans have completed the program in areas like computer programming, software development, data processing, and other in-demand careers. This is crucial to strengthening our American workforce, while enabling our vets to have a clear shot at the American Dream, a dream they have fought to protect for so many of us.

Of the veterans that completed the program, roughly 62 percent were offered a job related to the training they received, with an average salary of around $65,000 a year. These results show that the program works, and by extending the program, we will ensure veterans will be able to participate in the program in the coming years. Not only has this program been beneficial for our veterans, but it is crucial for our employers, as well. We need a skilled workforce working in the tech industry, and our veterans are the perfect fit.

I am proud to have partnered with Chairman Bost and Congressman Khanna on this legislation, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure the men and women who served our country can continue to grow in the civilian workforce, as well.

Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues to vote ``yes'' on this bill today.

