Debt Ceiling Crisis

Floor Speech

Date: May 25, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MAGAZINER. Madam Speaker, I rise to express my outrage at the extreme MAGA Republicans in this House who are fighting to take food out of the mouths of children, medicine out of the hands of seniors, and relief out of the pockets of working people, all to fund their tax cuts for the billionaires and corporations that fund their campaigns.

Make no mistake: That is what this entire Republican manufactured debt crisis is about. It is not about cutting spending.

If it was about cutting spending, they would support President Biden's plan to cut $900 billion from the deficit by negotiating with the drug companies for Medicare and Medicaid. But, no, they don't want to upset their Big Pharma donors.

It is not about avoiding default. If it was about avoiding default, they would sign the discharge petition and end this whole thing today.

This is about one thing and one thing only: taking money out of the pockets of the working people who I represent and putting it in the pockets of the millionaires, the billionaires, and the corporations.

These reverse Robin Hoods on the Republican side who seek to steal from the working people to benefit the rich need to stop this craziness and end this thing today.

