Fox News Sunday


Keyword Search: Inflation


It's good to be back with you and happy Mother's Day to you, Shannon, and all the mothers out there, including mine.


Well, first of all, Shannon, good to be with you.

A couple of things. Under the pres -- under the Trump administration, we never saw anything like this. We actually had the border under control, it was secure.

We're still trying to figure out some side pieces of immigration policy overall because Democrats would never work with us on commonsense immigration policies, where the Democrats have always wanted is this massive surge to the border with no checks at all, no balances at all.

So, the House Republican position is a border security package that would secure the border and it was my position as well, as well as Chairman McCaul's, that's where we'll be moving when we went back to the White House in 2024. And I do stress, when.

Now, that being said, what's happening now is because of Joe Biden's recklessness. His desire when he became president just to rip up all the Trump era policies that actually had our border secure. And now, they're scrambling to find a solution to the crisis that Joe Biden created.


Well, first of all, the Democrats do this all the time. They don't like a policy, they call it cruel.

But what truly is cruel, Shannon, are the young women who are being raped in the journey to our southern border. They're being raped by the coyotes. They are being raped by the drug cartels. They are being raped by other men who were in their package of people that are moving to the border.

Number two, also inhumane, the fact we've given operational control to the drug cartels under Joe Biden's administration. The drug cartels are going to make about $13 billion this year, trafficking people to our southern border and then they use Joe Biden's reckless policy to traffic massive amounts of fentanyl into our country, killing 75,000 Americans per year. That's inhumane.

When it comes to negotiations with the Democrats on this policy, I say to them very clearly, let's secure the border first. Let's get it done. Let's finish building the wall in doing all the other mechanisms that are crucial for our countries security, and when we have that done, then we can talk about all the immigration policies.

But the left wants to bring out young kids who came in through no fault of their own, quote/unquote, and use that as a poker chip, as a leverage point to say, we don't need to secure the border. That's insane policy for our country. We can do better.


I don't have no response to Hank on this. Hank also thought Guam was going to tip over. So, that doesn't make any sense at all.

What Republicans want to see is a secure and orderly process at our southern border. You can't have a situation where a group of 30 or 40 migrants just walk up to a border agent, and it's border agent because of Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas policy, had to stop their job of actually patrolling the border to start filing paperwork. That's what's happening. And it makes no sense.

Again, the Democrats come up with all this hysteria. They bloviate. They -- frankly, they gaslight the American people, instead of actually doing the job of securing the border. And once again, we see Joe Biden and the Democrats, they have no plan. And when crisis comes, they are flailing about trying to find a solution.


Listen, I'm very concerned about China and what Russia are doing, but the solution is not just massive borrowing and massive spending. That's no solution. That's putting your head in the sand and is actually going to lead us to a much greater crisis down the road.

Listen, I know we just talked about the border but new problem, same issues, and the same issue is Joe Biden doesn't lead, Joe Biden doesn't have a plan. Joe Biden doesn't have a strategy. And what Joe Biden brings America to every single time is a crisis point.

A hundred days ago, House Republicans started crafting together a solution to bring our spending down to pre-COVID spending levels, and also preparing to raise the nation's debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion. We passed that plan a couple of weeks ago.

Do you know what Joe Biden and the Democrats were doing? Nothing. They did nothing, except run to the cameras and say we should just pass a clean debt ceiling.

Any family in any business in our country understands, you cannot just continue to spend massive amounts of money, and borrow massive amounts of money and there will be no consequences. Every American family has already seen the first consequence from Joe Biden. And that is a massive inflation that has been the most insidious tax the American people have seen whether you're rich or poor, whether you're a black or white, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, it has come for everybody.

So, to this Democrat staffer who doesn't have the courage to share their name, I would say, sit down and be fiscally responsible. Don't go and hide behind a reporter throwing out your talking points because you're not being honest and you're not telling the truth.


Well, look, I would you tell you right now, President Trump is a master negotiator. I don't know what Joe Biden has ever done to negotiate anything of substance.

Let's be very clear, Shannon, you're going to have to curtail spending. Joe Biden wants to spend $7 trillion, that's his budget. We only take in about $4.2 trillion to $4.5 trillion in taxes.

So, he wants to massively spend money we don't have. He wants to massively borrow and think that there are no consequences. And like I just said, inflation is a consequence for every American under Joe Biden's reckless policy.

So, the House position is very clear. Let's go to pre-COVID spending levels.

Everybody understands why we had to ratchet up spending to respond to the pandemic. We all get that, but the pandemic is now over. It's time to bring spending levels back to pre-COVID, and then we can talk about raising the debt ceiling. And, frankly, not even talk about it, Republicans have passed that plan.

If Joe Biden brings nothing to the table, if all he does is sit there with his hands in his pockets, and not understanding what he has done in a way to actually negotiate, then he's the one leading our nation into default. And it's very sad thing to see.

Last thing on this, there's a proposal that's been floating around Congress about payment prioritization. What Treasury can do is pay interest and principal on our debt first. That would actually stave off all this concern of this default. Then we could pay Social Security, Medicare, pay for our military and then go down the line.

If Democrats want to continue to run so many of the agencies that they basically put a bunch of their crazy policies into, and then they have to find a way to bring spending with Republicans so we can raise the nation's debt ceiling going forward.


No, I'm not. Listen, we were able to document nine members of the Biden family who are getting money through Jim Biden and Hunter Biden from foreign companies, from China and from Romania. We've documented that.

Number two, since when are grandchildren getting wire payments and getting cashiers checks? That definitely sounds like a web of corruption to me.

Number three, how is Hunter Biden and Jim Biden facilitating all these business deals? All by themselves?

I remember very clearly, Hunter Biden was on Air Force Two a lot when Joe Biden was vice president. Maybe he was just hanging out getting, eating a club sandwich on Air Force Two? That's not true.

And number four, and let's be very clear on this one as well, there's another bank account that's just labeled "Biden". It doesn't go to Jim or Hunter or any of Hunter's wives or girlfriends or any grandchildren. It's just named Biden.

And we already have Tony Bobulinski who said that there was always 10 percent for the big guy. I wonder who the big guy is. Since the one guy who's the center of all this controversy, and frankly, corruption, in my view, is the current president, who was the former vice president, who was a United States senator for 45 years.

I would tell this opinion writer to actually do some investigation. Don't shut -- don't shut it down because anybody with basic common sense can see that the Biden family, which has no business, mind you, no business whatsoever, was making money from foreign interest because Joe Biden has been at the center of our politics for more than 50 years.


Thank you.

