Supporting the Ndaa

Floor Speech

Date: July 11, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid


Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of the conservative priorities included in the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

In recent years, our military has struggled with a severe recruiting crisis that will have enormous implications for our strategic position in an increasingly unstable global stage. There are several factors exacerbated by the Biden administration that have made military service less compelling to young Americans, and I say this as a 24-year Army veteran.

For instance, discharging servicemembers who declined to take the COVID-19 vaccine, despite requesting an exemption, upended careers and negatively impacted many servicemembers and their hard-earned benefits.

This year's NDAA provides critical steps to gut the administration's political agenda that has no place in our military. For instance, it provides a pathway back to the Armed Forces for servicemembers who declined to take the COVID vaccine. It also continues to prohibit the DOD from mandating that servicemembers take an emergency use vaccine.

Additionally, this legislation includes an extremely important provision of a 5.2 percent increase in servicemember pay. This is tremendously important for our enlisted ranks, and it is the largest pay raise in over 20 years.

I urge all my colleagues to support this important legislation that supports our military families and ensures our national security. Congratulating the Quad City Strikers


Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I will use this time as a chance to congratulate the Quad City Strikers U15 Soccer Club who represented the State of Iowa in the 2023 US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup, which took place in Wichita, Kansas, from July 6-11.

This is the third year in a row that they competed in the Midwest Regional, and this year, after a runner-up finish in the regional, they successfully clinched their place in the national tournament. They were one of eight teams who qualified for the tournament and the only one that represented the State of Iowa.

These boys worked hard all year long and were able to represent Iowa at the highest amateur level. I congratulate every player on the team and their coach, Juan Nuci.

We thank him for his dedication and for making Iowa, and especially the First District, proud. Congratulating Caitlin Clark


Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Madam Speaker, today, I congratulate Ms. Caitlin Clark of Des Moines, Iowa, for winning the National Player of the Year award for her performance this past season for the University of Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball Team.

Caitlin is a junior at the University of Iowa and averaged almost 28 points a game, while leading the Hawkeyes to the NCAA Women's Basketball championship game. While averaging 28 points a game, she also averaged seven rebounds and almost nine assists through her historic season, where she swept the National Player of the Year award.

Caitlin Clark is a prime example of our constituents in Iowa, extremely talented and hardworking, while also remaining humble through all of their success. We congratulate Caitlin, and we thank her for making Iowa, the University of Iowa, and the Hawkeye nation proud. Congratulating Judge William Kelly


Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Judge William Kelly on his selection to be a magistrate judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa. Judge Kelly is a member of the Iowa National Guard and will now serve our country in a different way.

Judge Kelly has an accomplished legal and judicial career. He obtained an undergraduate degree from Brown University. After graduation, he moved to Iowa to attend Drake University Law School in Des Moines. For 8 years he served as a State District Court Judge for District 5C in Iowa State courts, serving Polk County.

Becoming a magistrate judge happens after a rigorous selection process, and candidates are selected based on their merit by the district judges to help assist with the smooth and speedy legal process that we enjoy in the United States. Good judges in our U.S. court system are vital to keeping our constitutional republic together. I applaud Judge Kelly for taking the position, and I wish him luck in serving southeast Iowa.

Madam Speaker, I also extend a happy birthday to my sister, Mari- Eleanor Martino. Happy birthday Mari-Eleanor.

