Nadler, Scanlon Issue Joint Statement on Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. UNC

Press Release

Date: June 29, 2023
Location: Washington D.C.

"Today's Supreme Court decision sharply curtailing the ability of colleges and universities to consider race as part of their student admissions decisions represents the conservative supermajority's latest, shameful abandonment of decades of precedent to overturn a policy that millions of Americans have come to rely on and that was a hallmark of America's commitment to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion for all of its people. All Americans benefit from colleges and universities with student bodies that reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of our nation, giving students the opportunity to learn different viewpoints shaped by diverse life experiences and producing citizens who will be better equipped to participate in and lead our evermore diverse society in the future. We are deeply disappointed in this decision and commit to continuing the fight to ensure a fairer, more inclusive, and more equitable society."
