Press Conference

Date: July 26, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.
Keyword Search: Inflation

"Not long after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, I was having a conversation with the Prime Minister of a European country. They had a balanced energy portfolio in their country, he was lamenting the choices that some other European leaders had made in shutting down baseload power and the mess that Europe was in because of dependence on Vladimir Putin's natural gas and lacking a balanced energy portfolio. And he said to me, "a vision without a solid action plan is a hallucination.'

Then we went on to talk about the fact the world is going to need fifty percent more energy in the next 25 years than it currently needs today. So, we're going to need more energy, more energy choices, and it shouldn't be a choice between either renewables or conventional sources. We truly need both. We need to expand our portfolio of choices, not to allow the Biden administration to have this disastrous and very dangerous vision of stopping and replacing all conventional sources of energy.

Last week, made-in-America energy took yet another hit from this administration. The Department of Interior proposed a new rule that would increase the cost of energy production in our country, estimated at about $2 billion between now and 2031. As with any industry, these costs will get passed on to the consumer and Americans are seeing that the gas pump with higher gas prices as we speak. Once again, this administration has shown us where their loyalty lies. It's with radical environmentalists, instead of with Montanans and with American energy producers.

What's worse, is that every single one of my Democrat colleagues in the U.S. Senate paved the way for this egregious rule. Remember, before the Democrats passed their hyper-inflation bomb a year ago, I worked to strip language that would increase the cost of energy production. They want to increase the costs, we tried to strip that language out. Only one Democrat was needed to vote with us and with the rest of my colleagues to stop that. Unfortunately, every single Senate Democrat gave Biden the green light to continue on this anti-energy warpath. Instead of working to support more American made energy, Biden and the Democrats are tearing it down virtually at every turn and we see it across the board. We must reverse this course before it's too late and get back to incentivizing and unleashing more made-in-America energy."
