Boyle Statement on August Jobs Report

Press Release

Date: Sept. 1, 2023

"Today's jobs report shows that even as House Republicans provoke one crisis after another, the investments made by President Biden and Congressional Democrats are still paying off for American families. The nearly 13.5 million jobs created so far under President Biden are proof that when we invest in our communities -- instead of more tax cuts for the rich -- we can grow our economy and the middle class. Wages are outpacing inflation, prime-age employment is at the highest level in decades, and the United States continues to outpace other major economies."

While Democrats continue our work to build on this progress, House Republicans are once again threatening to undermine our historic economic recovery. After driving our nation to the brink of default and causing the second credit downgrade in American history, MAGA Republicans are now threatening a reckless government shutdown if they don't get their dangerous, draconian budget cuts. It's time for House Republicans to honor the bipartisan budget agreement they negotiated, avert another GOP shutdown, and stop putting their extreme agenda over the needs of American families."
