Ranking Member Grijalva Delivers Remarks at Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni -- Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Designation

Date: Aug. 8, 2023
Location: Red Butte Airfield, AZ

"Thank you very much. You know, in trying to figure out what to say on this unique day, it was very difficult. Because this is not something that is a snapshot, that just happened overnight.

It has been a consistent, devoted, and difficult struggle and path.

To have this monument proclamation today by President Biden--and how thankful and appreciative we are of this president for this action--it has taken a struggle. And no one knows that struggle better than the Indigenous people that have never forgotten that struggle.

And the Tribal Coalition--their leadership--has taught all of us a very, very valuable lesson.

I met a Navajo, Hopi, young lady, fire fighter when we were waiting at the tarmac for President Biden to arrive and greet him. And she came over and thanked me and I said no, no, no, this is really important for your people. To realize the fact that the footprint is closer and closer and closer to being permanent.

That the ancestral lands are not forgotten fantasies--that reality's right across us. And that the role of Indigenous peoples and the tribes will be of significance--not window dressing.

And I said, so it's a great day for you. And she answered, it's a great day for all people. And she's right.

Today is about the identity of this nation of ours. Today is about respect to the first of our species that touched this place and these lands.

And today is a day of remembrance. That this struggle is not new and those before us that continue to fight, advocate, and struggle for the protection of these sacred lands are remembered. Thank you very much."
