Comer Investigates Risk of U.S. Taxpayer Funds Supporting UN Climate Agenda


Date: Aug. 1, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.
Issues: Taxes Environment

"The Biden Administration's FY2024 budget requested over $4 billion for United Nations funding accounts, yet safeguards for oversight of UN-supported climate-related measures appear missing. Americans deserve to know whether the U.S. Mission to the UN is jeopardizing their nation's sovereignty by advancing radical climate goals of the UN and other countries with their tax dollars."


"It is unclear what if any safeguards or oversight mechanisms are in place. Through the UN system, advancers of the ESG agenda like the NZIA can take advantage of the complexity to force radical environmental activism which raises prices, deters investment of new technologies, and prevents human flourishing. The Committee must ensure the U.S. is not directly or indirectly involved in funding or supporting such UN-supported efforts."
