Speaker Johnson's Policy Approach

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 1, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Russia Ukraine


Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, surely the new Speaker cannot remain committed to his macabre choice of providing military assistance to Israel while denying it to Ukraine, which is fighting against Putin's invasion in the largest land war in Europe since the Second World War, or Taiwan, whose people are fighting so valiantly to oppose Communist Chinese encroachment on their sovereignty.

While posing for photos, the Speaker claimed he cannot identify adequate funds, so he wants to raid the Internal Revenue Service of sophisticated accountants who hold billionaires and corporate tax cheats accountable for not paying their fair share of taxes, including illicit criminal groups funding terrorists.

These cuts will decrease revenue--are you ready?--$26.7 billion. You heard me right.

Extremist Republicans kneel before the thrones of Wall Street scions while blocking military assistance to valiant nations and people fighting for liberty against evil empires that hate liberty, like Xi's China and Putin's Russia.

Mr. Speaker, that is what I call warped thinking. The Speaker should go back to the drawing board.

Liberty and justice first and always.

