Recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the Eisner Memorial Red Bank Public Library

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 8, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid


Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to congratulate the Eisner Memorial Red Bank Public Library as its administration, Board of Trustees, volunteers, and community members gather to kick off the commemoration of its 100th anniversary. The Red Bank Public Library has been an integral part of the local community since its establishment and continues to uphold its mission to provide residents with an inclusive environment to learn and gather.

Although the community had a library since 1878, patrons were charged a subscription fee by the institution, and were restricted to borrowing one book at a time. In 1923, residents voted to create a free public library--no longer limiting access to those who could afford it--and on January 2, 1924, the Borough took control of the assets in this endeavor. Today, the library is a member of the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium, significantly expanding its circulation materials and accessibility.

Throughout its history, the Eisner Memorial Red Bank Public Library has supported and been supported by the community. Sigmund Eisner was a prominent Red Bank resident and longtime benefactor of the library. The library's current location is the former Eisner residence, which was gifted to the library by his sons. The family continues to support the library today.

The Eisner Memorial Red Bank Public Library maintains outstanding resources and accessibility for its patrons. Over the years, the library has expanded its collection and offerings. It has evolved with technology and the changing needs of its visitors and pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic to still meet the needs of the community while observing health protocols and precautions.

Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in marking the 100th anniversary of the Eisner Memorial Red Bank Public Library. Its continued service to the community is truly deserving of this body's recognition.

