Opposing the Gop's Antiabortion Legislation

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 17, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. STANSBURY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to the GOP's two anti-choice bills which are going to be on the House floor this week.

These two bills, like so much of the House GOP's legislation, claim to support women and our communities while doing the exact opposite through a thinly veiled attempt to further restrict and stigmatize abortion as they meanwhile work to gut access to reproductive care all across this country.

These policies are so unpopular that they are now hiding them in education bills like the ones that they are bringing to the floor this week, as nearly three dozen of our House Republican colleagues are now trying to walk back their support for national abortion bans.

Be that as it may, the American people are not fooled. Do not be fooled by these bills. Our reproductive rights are under attack, and these two bills are part of that attempt to gut the rights of women.

That is why I will not only be voting ``no'' but hell no to these bills.

