Lng Ban Hurts Americans

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2024
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Pennsylvania for taking this opportunity tonight to remind us that on January 26, inexplicably, President Biden announced an indefinite ban on pending LNG export projects.

I wish it were indefinite, but I believe this is just another shot over the bow, showing that fossil fuels are going away--in his mind. Even for a President known for inflation and global instability, this is an inexplicable move.

Last week, during the international events surrounding the National Prayer Breakfast here, I even had comments from Baltic representatives, Balkan representatives, and others from the EU incredulous that that was going on when they need more LNG terminals, not less, more exports, not less.

American LNG has been a lifeline to our allies while wars rage. This decision is beyond the wildest hopes and dreams of Putin and the Ayatollah, who have capitalized on this opportunity to further finance their terror on this Earth.

I have yet to hear from any American clamoring to drive our allies to Russia and Iran, which is exactly what Biden's LNG export ban will do.

Maybe the White House needs a simple lesson: Cutting the supply of a product does not magically erase the demand or need for that product. However, cutting the supply does raise prices and forces consumers to look elsewhere. In this case, the consumers are our allies. They will look to Russia and Iran.

Ironically, these countries' energy production is far dirtier than our clean LNG. Due to this, from a climate and emission standpoint, Biden's decision will actually lead to more pollution.

American LNG has over 40 percent lower life cycle emissions compared to Russia and its compressed natural gas, which will help fill the void created by the Biden administration. American LNG has been one of the greatest tools used to reduce emissions. Instead of indefinitely banning LNG exports, we should be increasing them and touting our LNG success story, which has led to a decrease in energy-related emissions by 15 percent since 2005, beyond any of our closest allies.

The Biden war on domestic energy accomplishes a rare trifecta. It empowers our adversaries, raises energy prices, and increases pollution. Wow.

President Biden is once again putting politics over the American people and disregarding any semblance of common sense.

Mr. Speaker, this policy from the executive branch is unreasonable and indefensible, but I assure you this body will not allow the Biden administration to sacrifice energy security for America and our allies. This moratorium puts climate activists at TikTok above the energy needs of the world. We must do everything we can to reverse it.

