Stefanik Responds to Joe Biden’s Disastrous Final State of the Union Address


Date: March 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Inflation

“Joe Biden is a deteriorating president and under his failed Far Left leadership the State of the Union is in crisis. His desperate attempt at a reset dismisses the everyday struggles of Americans suffering because of his failed policies. Under just three years of Joe Biden, our nation has experienced one crisis after another from the Biden Border Crisis which has devastated American communities, to weakness on the world stage, and the highest inflation in my lifetime. Because of Joe Biden’s radical agenda, we have faced violent crime in our communities, sky high energy prices, and the weaponization of our Government against us with the Biden DOJ targeting Catholics, gun owners, conservatives, and even parents at school board meetings.

It is time to return to the America First policies that gave us a secure border, energy independence, peace through strength, and a roaring economy that created 7 million new jobs and allowed our communities to flourish.”
