Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 13, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I actually am about to try to make everyone mad. I actually believe data is a private property right. It belongs to you as an American citizen. The problem with our design here, it is really well-meaning, but it doesn't get at the structural problem.

Let's say you have an entity over here that divests. What makes them not then take the data, sell it to a data broker, and it gets washed and ends up still in the bad actors' hands?

You have to understand, there is even articles out this week of even our own three-letter agencies buying their data now from data brokers instead of doing the tracking.

We need to think dramatically more globally. Your data is a private property right. That will be the only way we end up protecting ourselves from bad actors and sometimes even our own selves.

