Recognizing the 75th Anniversary of the Kansas City National Security Campus

Floor Speech

Date: April 26, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize the Kansas City National Security Campus and its 75 years of contributions to national security.

In November 1948, during the presidency of Harry S. Truman--whose hometown I represent--the Atomic Energy Commission selected the Pratt and Whitney airplane engine production plant in Kansas City as a site to produce nonnuclear components for nuclear weapons. The Kansas City Division of the Bendix Aviation Corporation began operations in the spring of 1949.

Seventy-five years and several name changes later, the Kansas City National Security Campus' mission to ensure the United States nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, and reliable remains essential to America's national security.

The site works to provide the National Nuclear Security Administration with electrical, mechanical, and material components manufactured and procured to exacting quality specifications to help meet important national security objectives and keep our nuclear stockpile ready at a moment's notice.

Today, the site employs nearly 7,000 people dedicated to this important national service. The Kansas City National Security Campus' contributions to the Kansas City area are important to job creation and sustaining economic growth, and Missourians are proud of its central importance to our strategic deterrence.

It is a distinct privilege to represent the Kansas City National Security Campus in the United States House of Representatives. Please join me in recognizing the Kansas City National Security Campus for its 75 years of contributions to our national security.

