Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: May 1, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. Calls for the destruction of Israel, our dearest and closest ally, are wrong. Attacks on Jewish students on college campuses are wrong, as well. I thank Representative Lawler and Representative Gottheimer for this fine piece of legislation, and I thank the chairman of the Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee.

The only way you stop this is to take action, and the Judiciary Committee started that yesterday. We sent a letter both to Secretary Blinken and Secretary Mayorkas asking three simple questions: Are the students, are the people engaged in this activity, this wrong activity, this radical activity on campuses against Jewish students, are they here on a visa? If they are, is the State Department taking actions to revoke that visa? If the State Department is taking those actions, is the Department of Homeland Security looking to remove these individuals?

Pretty basic questions, pretty important questions I think the Congress has the right to know about and the American people have a right to know about if we are ever going to stop the egregious activity going on. In order to stop it, you have to take action.

We are a legislative body. We have a piece of legislation that begins that process. Let's pass this legislation, and then let's do the oversight to get the answers to those questions so the bad guys doing this stuff on college campuses can't do it on a visa.

Remember, at Columbia, 55 percent of the student body is here on a visa.

Maybe the American people have a right to know the answers to those three questions. We posed them yesterday to Secretary Mayorkas and Secretary Blinken. Let's hope we get an answer soon. Let's hope the Biden administration steps up and starts taking action to stop what is going on.

