Booker Statement on Senate Border Bill


Date: May 22, 2024
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

"In February, I voted to advance the bipartisan immigration deal to emphasize my commitment to continued debate on solving the challenges at the border, despite my serious concerns with some of the substance of the underlying legislation. The bill also included critical foreign and humanitarian aid that I fought for to demonstrate to our allies abroad and people in desperate need that America will not abandon them.

I was appalled to watch Senate Republicans reject a bipartisan bill that they negotiated and agreed upon because of pressure from Donald Trump. This is the height of hypocrisy and shows that Senate Republicans aren’t committed to meaningfully solving the problems at our border.

I will not vote for the bill coming to the Senate floor this week because it includes several provisions that will violate Americans’ shared values. These provisions would not make us safer. This bill also misses key components that can go much further in solving the serious immigration problems facing our nation. The proposed bill would exclude people fleeing violence and persecution from seeking asylum and instead doubles down on failed anti-immigrant policies that encourage irregular immigration. It does not provide relief for Dreamers, farmworkers, or other longtime American residents, nor take steps to attract and retain the world’s brightest young minds. It would not completely relieve problems at the border because it does not address the root causes of regional migration. Any discussion on immigration reform must include these common sense, popular policies that would make meaningful changes to our immigration system.

I remain committed to pursuing common sense, bipartisan legislation to modernize our immigration system so that it aligns with our most fundamental values."
