Inflation Taxes All Americans

Floor Speech

Date: July 8, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, in the 3\1/2\ years since President Biden first took office, our country has seen inflation grow by over 20 percent.

By failing to control runaway prices that have seen the cost of gasoline spike by 50 percent and the cost of groceries rise by over 20 percent, President Biden has failed the American people.

Instead of addressing the fact that the average family is now paying an additional $1,000 a month to afford the basics, President Biden has canceled student loan debt, increased government spending, and mandated Green New Deal initiatives that only drive costs higher and higher.

This inflation is simply a tax on every American. As a result, real wages have fallen by nearly 4 percent since 2021.

Throughout his Presidency, while Americans have been forced to use their savings just to make ends meet, President Biden has been asleep at the wheel. The American people deserve a President who will once again put their needs first. It is time to rein in the wasteful spending of the Biden administration and return to the fiscal restraint that we saw under President Trump. Enhance Our Election Security


Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, this past week, as we celebrated the Fourth of July, we recognized the 248th anniversary of declaring that we could govern ourselves.

As American citizens, it is our right to elect our representatives at every level of government. In recent years, however, we have seen States and localities permit noncitizens to register and vote in U.S. elections. Allowing this to occur directly undermines the sanctity of our elections.

It is time to confront and address this issue by passing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, which would ensure that anyone registering to vote provides proof of U.S. citizenship.

Further, this legislation would provide States with access to existing Federal databases, giving them the tools that they need to clean up voter registration rolls and remove non-U.S. citizens.

Let's make this clear: Only eligible U.S. citizens should vote in each and every American election. It is time to enhance our election security, and it is time to put a stop to noncitizens voting in U.S. elections.

