Rep. Becerra on the Senate Passage of S.2611

Date: May 25, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Rep. Becerra on the Senate Passage of S.2611

‘It's now time for President Bush to fully engage'

Upon learning that S.2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, passed tonight in the United States Senate by a vote of 62 to 36, Representative Xavier Becerra (CA-31) issued the following statement:

"On the subject of reforming our broken immigration system, the Senate took on a challenging task, and did so to its credit in a manner that allowed for extensive discussion and rigorous debate. Our goal for the American people should be to enact immigration reform that is tough, smart and comprehensive. The legislation passed today by the Senate, S.2611, is far from perfect, but it did survive numerous Republican efforts to derail meaningful immigration reform.

"As we head toward a Senate-House conference committee to produce one bill, we must move to preserve what works in the legislation and remove what doesn't. It's now time for President Bush to fully engage in the fight to secure real reform of our immigration laws."
