Issue Position: Social Security

Issue Position

Social Security is one of the most successful social programs in America but eventually it will run out of money. We have an opportunity to modernize the Social Security system so we can keep our promises to retiring seniors today while securing the program for future generations. The longer we wait, the harder it becomes to fix the Social Security system.

There are a variety of options to help fix and modernize the Social Security system. One contributing solution is to allow individuals to voluntarily set aside a small percentage of their income through personal accounts. Such a program would help ensure that Social Security remains unchanged for current retirees, while giving future generations a chance to improve their retirement savings. We need a serious dialogue, including voices from both sides of the political aisle, on how to best address this pressing concern.

As your Senator I will work to protect the promise of Social Security for every senior and seek to strengthen the program for the generations to come.
