Amendment Offered by Mr. Flake

Date: June 28, 2006
Location: Washington, DC



Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Chairman, Congressman BOB ETHERIDGE should be commended for what he did 3 years ago; and we had an overwhelming vote on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Unfortunately, none of the survivors of the 135 firefighters that he mentioned just a few moments ago and which Mr. Kennedy mentioned a few moments ago that died have received a single penny of the authorized benefits. This is because the Justice Department has not approved the regulations that would put the provision of the Hometown Heroes Act into effect.

This is unconscionable. This is wholly unacceptable. This is another time where the will of the Congress has not been activated.

This amendment sends a necessary directive to the Attorney General that the families of our Nation's first responders should not be made to wait for what they deserve any longer. This amendment is a clear message that the Congress will no longer allow the Department of Justice to inexplicably harm the families of our Nation's heroes.

This was the right thing to do 3 years ago. It is the right thing to do now, to pass this amendment now. I was proud to stand with the gentleman from North Carolina when we passed this, many of us, all of us, in December, 2003. We want their loved ones to be fully taken care of. This amendment is that message. It is time for us to act, Mr. Chairman.

